20 July 2010


Careful What You Wish For
1 x 1 inch
stretch artist canvas, plaster cast (artist left ring finger), latex paint
August 2010

Break off my crown, inside your living room
4 x 6 inches
artist stretched canvas, plexiglas, mirror,
magnolia twig, acrylic and latex paint
August 2010

"Self Portrait in the Studio" 6" x 8”

oil on stretched canvas.

Spring 2009

"Elephants at the Zoo" 6" x 4”

oil on stretched canvas.

Spring 2009

"The Egg Balloon" 42 x 25 x 40”
canvas drop cloth (cut and sewn), latex house paint, acrylic paint, burlap.
Winter 2009-10

installation view

"The Golden Bumble Sleeping In A Bed of Roses" 6 x 4”

stretched canvas, acrylic paint, hot glue, decorative chenille ball tassels, nylon thread, gold spray paint, bumble bee.

Winter 2009

"Following Structure" 12" x 12”

oil on stretched canvas.

Winter 2009

Selection of paintings from the Morandi Project
(medium to small paintings)
Fall 2009

"The Scrap Coincidence" 76" x 42”
cotton, latex house paint, oil paint, nylon thread, patchwork straps including: cotton, canvas.
Spring 2009

Select paintings from the "Post Pink" Installation: 59" x 32"
acrylic on cut and torn canvas drop cloth, sewning machine, black nylon thread.
individual paintings approximately 5" x 8"
Summer 2009

"D. Campbell, Outside" 18" x14”

oil on stretched canvas.

Spring 2009

"A Study in Surface" 9 x 16 x 2”
burlap dipped in wall paint, layered and stretched canvas.

Spring 2009


"Winter in July" 68" x 40”
canvas drop cloth, latex house paint, acrylic paint, nylon thread, tree branches (various species).

Spring 2009




"Tapestry" 109" x 79"
canvas drop cloth, nylon thread, acrylic yarn, acrylic paint, latex paint

Thesis, March 2009




Apples from the Morandi Project 8" x 6"
oil on canvas

November 2009

"Mango Salsa" 9" x 12"
oil on canvas

Special Studies with Abbey Ryan, Spring 2008

"The Preposterous Atrocity" 9" x 12"
oil on canvas

Fall 2008

"Red Pepper and Vidalia Onion" 9" x 12"
oil on canvas

Special Studies with Abbey Ryan, Spring 2008

"Not For Barnett"
canvas drop cloth, cotton, acrylic paint, latex paint

Thesis, March 2009



from the fabric series, 6" x 6"
oil on canvas

fall 2008

"Bananas" 6" x 8"
oil on canvas

Special Studies with Abbey Ryan, Spring 2008

Photos by John Carlano and Rafael Aviles

1 comment:

ruthpclark said...

I am LOVING this "post Pink" installation!