16 January 2010

I promise to be better...

The whole point of this blog in the beginning was to create daily. Now, while I haven't been blogging regularly - at all - in the past 2 or 3 months, I have been busy.
The dinning room was temporarily converted into Santa's Work Shop. I made money folds for all the girls at work, and for my Secret Santa, Jes.

Second Owl Pillow for Ruthie (First was for Jes')

and an unforgivably awful image of cat nip toys I made for the CT kitties:

They remind me of Carol's "Binks"

And how awesome is this?!?!?! Rhianne is such a great little blogger with a very impressive following. If you don't already follow her - git on it!!!

Today was also my second day with the trainer I signed up for about a month (or more) ago. I am determined to get rid of the gut.
Hurray for working at a restaurant!
She took my measurements...everything is normal, but not attractive when in a bathing suit...or clingy dress for that matter.
I swear by June I will have one hot bod.

I will also be accept to Grad School by then :) ALL of my apps are in (except one that needs a few more photos in the portfolio). Such a stressful experience. Thank you Michael, for all your help. <3

until tomorrow!


Cait said...

so that blog you said to check out...
#1 congrats for being on it!
#2 mandori? <for shame! ITS MORANDI! #3 woot painters project! glad to see its benefiting you :)

ruthpclark said...

Yay! I love your optimism . . . and positive attitude! I will ALSO have a HOT BOD by june!

Mary Jo said...

Those are such adorable gifts! I know artists hate the word adorable, but they are! Congrats on teh Trainer!! I'm sure it's gona be great! although you're already shmeeexay!